From hair to eternity

Auntie was recently part of a “dating experts” panel, and the following question was one of many submitted…now, for your perusal…Auntie offers up a personalized hint or two…

Dear Auntie Jodi,

I like a guy, and want to suggest he do some ‘manscaping.’ How do I do this without hurting his feelings?


Won’t Date Werewolves

Dear WDW,

First, Auntie wants to know how well you know this gentleman. If you are just getting to know him, and think he is a good soul who meets most of your criteria—then by all means, WAIT. You were willing to date him before, and you know you cannot change him, so hold on to your tweezers for just a bit longer.

One day he will, most likely, welcome your pluck—right now, I’d say, you’d be plucking too soon. I’m sure you are aware of statistics that say the longer you wait to pluck your man, the greater the chances of a lasting relationship.

Bonne chance!

Auntie J.

I’m a badass?!?!?

I just spent a weekend at a conference–and naturally, met many new people. On the last day, a new acquaintance took one look at Auntie’s photo (the one you see right here), and told me I was a “badass”–something I’ve never been called before. So how exactly do you handle getting this sort of a comment (and yes, it was meant as a very positive thing)… I’m thinking, by using Helpful Hint #197:

Auntie would never suggest that anyone hold back from speaking from the heart. Despite the oft-cited rules of polite society, being opinionated is much preferred to leading a common, fearful, milquetoast life. However, it may sometimes serve to hold back from stating your point of view in order to see where some newly made friends, soon to be sworn enemies, actually stand.