Signal before turning.

One of Auntie’s seven life-essences is, “Tell me again why I have to play by your rules.” I understand nonconformity–but only to a point–especially when tooling around town with the top down. Don’t get me wrong–I am a most courteous driver–but there is a group of nasty drivers out there who not only cut you (or your chauffeur) off, orĀ  text and drive 15 miles below the minimum speed limit, but when they are made aware of their shoddy and dangerous driving skills–they have the audacity to make the polite person the villain. This occurs in other situations too–the space hogs in dance class, line crashers at red carpet events, and the “I’m in a hurry” entitled ones at the local bodega. With those people in mind, here’s Helpful Hint #12:

Driver/Chauffeur have the day off? When swerving to avoid rear-ending the texting driver in front of you, always smile and wave when you drive alongside this texting maniac. As you pass, use discretion when determining the number of fingers to use as you wave.