Humor–please, do not explain thyself.

Auntie was recently introduced to a fabulous new group of people–and among the members–a chap who thinks he has the wittiest and funniest way of saying things. The problem is, this gentleman is constantly explaining himself–and that, dear ones is not what the funny is all about. Here’s Helpful Hint #218

Darlings, if you are going to make an attempt at a humorous/sarcastic/witty retort, make sure that your response does not need to be explained to your intended audience. We all know that the only result of this sort of clarification is an embarrassingly loud thud.

Write your own list

There are so very many silly prohibitions these days–what was once a joke is now banned by the humorless who think they have the right to tell you how to think. Well guess what? Funny is funny–and censorship is just that.  And with that in mind, here’s Auntie Jodi’s Helpful Hint #191:

Find that the p-c sanctioned list of banned products, people, ideas, and programs is growing by the proverbial leaps and bounds? Start your own list of banned items—and at the top of that list—the people who write those ridiculous lists. One must refuse to be around ignorant, humorless, controlling, and unimaginative people who want to box you in or out of being your fabulously unique self.